
Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings
Page 10 of 22

Author:  Ichabod [ Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

I talked to me sainted mother this morning as I normally do on Sundays. The difference this morning is that she and my father just returned from a 3 week trip to Hawaii, so we hadn't talked for a while. I now have cauliflower ear. :???: It sounds like they had a really good time and did damn near everything there was to do. Good for them.

I ran a mere three miles this morning. The leg is feeling good, but I'm having a major mental problem with running any true distance... I'm convinced I'm going to re-injure the leg and have to go back to the dominatrix that calls herself a physical therapist. I'll keep working on that.

I hate Cowboy home games. Ich Jr goes to school in Arlington and comes home each weekend. I have to take him back on Sundays. It's a 2 hour round-trip so I have to time it carefully when the Cowboys play at home.

Listening to the news this morning with regard to the senate voting to take the Health Care bill to the floor for debate. It's being reported that the AARP supported the move. I'll be interested to see how the senior citizens (ergo; mi compadres) react to this as the debate progresses.

Author:  Ichabod [ Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Just returned from the Heart of Dixie for the Thanksgiving holidays. The Heart of Dixie used to be on all Alabama license tags. It has now been replaced with 2 words on top of the plate: Sweet Home I like that.

Wow, it is tough to watch your relatives age. My aunt and uncle are in their late 60s, early 70s respectively and suffer from a number of ailments brought on by the southern lifestyle. Ergo; smoking and fried foods. Their daughter had the thumb stomach surgery last year. The change is absolutely amazing. I wouldn't have recognized her at 110 lbs lighter!

I also got to see my parents for the first time in about three years. They are aging somewhat better, but aging nonetheless....

The Iron Bowl was on Friday. This is the annual meeting of Alabama and Auburn. I went out on Friday morning with my Dad and Ich Jr. EVERYONE was wearing their colors. If you live there, you are for one or the other wearing RED or ORANGE.

Tiger Woods is the latest example of the theory that no matter how hot the pussy is, eventually, you're going to get tired of hitting it. What a f'n idiot. On a side note, I can't wait to hear the Musers in the morning as I'm sure they'll be talking to him on the phone.

Author:  jim jack [ Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Ichabod wrote:
Tiger Woods is the latest example of the theory that no matter how hot the pussy is, eventually, you're going to get tired of hitting it. What a f'n idiot. On a side not, I can't wait to hear the Musers in the morning as I'm sure they'll be talking to him on the phone.


Hi, Musers. I bet he won't sound cheerful, either.

Author:  Ichabod [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

With the current snowfall in Houston, I wonder if Al Gore is hawking his Oscar statuette in order to raise emergency funds to relocate the polar bears from the polar ice cap to Texas before it's too late?

Author:  Ichabod [ Fri Dec 11, 2009 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

I took the afternoon off and played golf at LB Houston. I felt full of myself because I broke 90! But, was sent crashing back to Earth after stopping by a Perkins Restaurant and was unable to convince the hostess to have sex with me.... I guess I have some more practicing to do.

Author:  jim jack [ Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Maybe you should have said, "Excuse me while I whip this out!"

Author:  Ichabod [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Taking the week off this Xmas. Ich Jr is home from college so we're going to spend father/son quality time together and go see Avatar and The Road. I read The Road last week so I have high hopes for the film.

Got a practice turkey in the oven. I have to cook for 14 on Xmas day, so I want to make sure my roasting skills are in check. Baste the turkey with olive oil, spice with sage, insert two red delicious apples to ensure moistness. I = the Emeril of Turkey roasting...

I am taking great glee in watching the ClimateGate whoha! Watching Al Gore get called out for lying through his teeth about global warming and the threat to the polar ice caps, while standing in Copenhagen during an unprecedented winter snow storm is simply delicious. Santa couldn't have brought your Unca Ich a better early Xmas present. Fact: There is not a bigger tool on this planet than Al Gore. A career politician who is the son of a career politician. He is a drain on natural resources - which is the biggest irony of all.

Author:  Sweet Greggo [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Global Warming nuts can kiss my ass (yea, that includes the nuts on this board). I know what humans do affect the environment, but not to the extent of causing Katrina and Rita, or other natural disasters, like jackoffs like Bill Mahr would like you to think. The earth has been changing since it was created. To argue now that those changes are being caused by us is idiotic.

Ich, I hope you are brining that turkey a day or so before cooking. That's the only way to get a truly moist bird. Oh, and save me enough for a sandwich.

Author:  rowdyhatinwalt [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

I think what damages any discussion of global climate change (which is a more apt term than global warming, as it tends to make people think in absolutes of if it ain't 120 outside, there ain't a problem) is the condescending attitude anyone on the left has about something they feel strongly about. (Although I will always maintain my smug attitude toward overly religious bible thumbers. Sue me.)
Al Gore makes me wretch with his smug sense of superiority.
In fact, most of the academia types piss me off because they're all in their own little worlds, not comprehending that there may be people who disagree with them at least partially or mostly.
The attitude of 'just agree with me or you're a dumbass' simply doesn't wash.
And couching it in terms of people being bad people if they don't drive solar powered cars is stupid, too.
Shit, if nothing else, just say "let's not buy more oil from ragheads". That works for me.

I might add that yes, I think some of the change could be normal change and that Al Gore is alarmist.

Author:  fruitdog [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

the debate is over!

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Dammit! I still had some salient points to make. :sad:

Author:  TerdFerguson [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Ichabod wrote:
Taking the week off this Xmas. Ich Jr is home from college so we're going to spend father/son quality time together and go see Avatar and The Road. I read The Road last week so I have high hopes for the film.

Got a practice turkey in the oven. I have to cook for 14 on Xmas day, so I want to make sure my roasting skills are in check. Baste the turkey with olive oil, spice with sage, insert two red delicious apples to ensure moistness. I = the Emeril of Turkey roasting...

I am taking great glee in watching the ClimateGate whoha! Watching Al Gore get called out for lying through his teeth about global warming and the threat to the polar ice caps, while standing in Copenhagen during an unprecedented winter snow storm is simply delicious. Santa couldn't have brought your Unca Ich a better early Xmas present. Fact: There is not a bigger tool on this planet than Al Gore. A career politician who is the son of a career politician. He is a drain on natural resources - which is the biggest irony of all.


Author:  cap [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

The Lord will fix this 'climate' issue.

Author:  rowdyhatinwalt [ Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

cap wrote:
The Lord will fix this 'climate' issue.

The Lord should worry more about all the blessings he's sending to rappers and football stars, first.

Author:  Ichabod [ Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

It's been nice to actually take some time off around the holidays for a change... I've got to spend some "quality" time with Ich Jr this week. Unfortunately, Mrs. Ich has come down with a case of the crud and had to go to the doctor yesterday. She made up for it by getting a kickass bonus this year! :dance: The woman is a definite keeper.

Went to The Pantry Restaurant on the McKinney Square this morning to pick up a banana cream and pecan pies. The place was stacked floor to ceiling with cakes and pies specially ordered. The girl behind the counter stated that Christmas was busy, but Thanksgiving was crazy busy. They must make teir year in the fourth quarter!

I shocked myself at the 7-11 this morning. Apparently, I have been in Texas long enough that I have subliminally learned conversational Spanish. I had a short conversation at the coffee counter with a Hispanic entirely in Espanol! I'm changing my user name to Senor Ichabod.... Feliz Navidad a todos!

Author:  rowdyhatinwalt [ Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Dear Ich,
thought of you when I saw this:
"Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a God superior to themselves. Most Gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child." - Robert A. Heinlein

Author:  Ichabod [ Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Robert was full of gold! :)

Love your country, but never trust its government.— Robert A. Heinlein

One man's theology is another man's belly laugh— Robert A. Heinlein

Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein

Author:  Ichabod [ Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

And one more in honor of our senators in action over the Christmas holidays.....

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.— Robert A. Heinlein

Author:  rowdyhatinwalt [ Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings


Author:  Ichabod [ Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Welp, After taking a full week off, I have to go to work tomorrow! Damn, I wish I had won the sperm lottery and been born a Hilton.

Actually, I am going into the office this afternoon to attempt to get my e-mail account under control. This will also allow me to prioritize my Monday so that I can sleep tonight.

I am taking Wednesday off for the Ichabod Family's annual trek to see Trans Siberian Orchestra in concert. We're going to the 3:00 PM show since I will be back at work on Thursday. Still and well, I'm looking forward to Les Pauls playing classical music, Short Skirts and Hair-Whipping...

Just got done taking down the Christmas tree and packing away all the decorations for another year. It's nice to have the house back in some semblance of order.

Author:  Ichabod [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

It has not been a good week for my Vols... First, the football team gets their asses handed to them in the Chik Fil A Bowl by an ACC school. Then, on the same night, four members of the basketball team get pulled over and charged with possession of illegal weapons and drugs. Bruce Pearl needs to clean house.

Just got through watching the original Die Hard movie on TV. In 1988 there was not a cooler motherfucker on the planet than Bruce Willis.

I told Mrs. Ich that I find it humorous that the media is making a big deal about the Christmas Day bomber sewing explosives in his underwear because, as she well knew, I have been packing a heat seeking missile in my underwear throughout our marriage! :twisted: ........ Mrs. Ich said she found me not only humorous, but also kind of sad. :cry:

I start back on a serious training regimen beginning on Monday. We'll have to make book on which part of my body betrays me this time!?! Leg is feeling good. We'll see.

Author:  Ichabod [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Ichabod wrote:
I start back on a serious training regimen beginning on Monday. We'll have to make book on which part of my body betrays me this time!?! Leg is feeling good. We'll see.

Well, today marks the end of week 3 and I have lost 13 pounds! Been eating very cleanly and excercising 6 days a week. No injuries to speak of although I'm currently down for the count with my annual flu virus! Geez meh head hurts and I don't think this f'n fever is ever going to break. You spiritual types say a prayer for Mrs. Ich as she's got the toughest job in the world at the moment. --- I'm a terrible patient.

I've noticed a great irony in our metroplex: The Hispanic's disdain for the American One Cent Piece. Go to any 7-11 parking lot at the breakfast and lunch hour and you are assured to see several pennies laying on the sidewalk or parking lot. What's the irony? It just seems that someone who works as long and hard for very little pay would hang on to ALL their money.

Author:  Sweet Greggo [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

holy crap, 13 pounds? I've been going for a few weeks and i'm sure i haven't lost a single pound. i haven't really changed my eating though.

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

You're also not a Golden God like Ich.

Author:  TerdFerguson [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Ichabod wrote:
Ichabod wrote:
I start back on a serious training regimen beginning on Monday. We'll have to make book on which part of my body betrays me this time!?! Leg is feeling good. We'll see.

Well, today marks the end of week 3 and I have lost 13 pounds! Been eating very cleanly and excercising 6 days a week. No injuries to speak of although I'm currently down for the count with my annual flu virus! Geez meh head hurts and I don't think this f'n fever is ever going to break. You spiritual types say a prayer for Mrs. Ich as she's got the toughest job in the world at the moment. --- I'm a terrible patient.

I've noticed a great irony in our metroplex: The Hispanic's disdain for the American One Cent Piece. Go to any 7-11 parking lot at the breakfast and lunch hour and you are assured to see several pennies laying on the sidewalk or parking lot. What's the irony? It just seems that someone who works as long and hard for very little pay would hang on to ALL their money.

Did you pick them up? Now who has the disdain.

Author:  Ichabod [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

I've been known to pick up a coin or two in the parking lot. It just depends on my mood and schedule at that moment.

I make a habit of emptying my pocket change into a container next to my dresser each evening. By doing this consistently, each December, I have a few hundred dollars to spend on Mrs. Ich at Christmas.

Author:  TerdFerguson [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

I use my debit card for everything so I never have change in my pocket.

Author:  rowdyhatinwalt [ Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

um, I'm not so concerned about my pecker falling off, although I do use my debit card for most everything.

Author:  Ichabod [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Well, it's now the end of week 5 my program. It's the halfway point and I'm down 20 lbs! I have pants that actually button now without the aid of a fulcrum! :) My goal for this 10 week period was 20 pounds. However, my goal for the year was to be down to 180 by my 50th BD in September. So, the program continues! :fist:

Last night I took Mrs. Ich out to dinner and then over to Nokia in Grand Prairie for the Davy Jones/David Cassidy concert. Oh my GAWD, but it was Milfapalooza in the big GP! Mrs. Ich thoroughly enjoyed the show and I guess that's what's important..... Oh the things I do in order to get a mouth-hug from that woman! :twisted:

Author:  Trained Goucho [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

it concerns me as the reader to know that the ante for mouth hugs as you put it inflates to such proportions the longer you're married/older you get

Author:  TerdFerguson [ Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

I'm more concerned with the fact that the sweet wife of his that I met at Jeffys still does that.

Stop making that sweet clean lady do such vulgar things!

Author:  Ichabod [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

I have learned to appreciate the symmetry of life..... I discovered this morning that I had won $100 on a scratch off that I'd bought last week and stuck in my jacket...... This afternoon when I was backing out of the driveway to take Ich Jr back to school, I noticed that water was running out of the yard into the street: busted water main on a Sunday. $100 doesn't make a dent. :lol: You have to laugh!

Author:  rowdyhatinwalt [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Ichabod wrote:
I have learned to appreciate the symmetry of life..... I discovered this morning that I had won $100 on a scratch off that I'd bought last week and stuck in my jacket...... This afternoon when I was backing out of the driveway to take Ich Jr back to school, I noticed that water was running out of the yard into the street: busted water main on a Sunday. $100 doesn't make a dent. :lol: You have to laugh!

or shoot some motherfuckers. Whatever gets you thru the day.
Sorry to hear that, Ich.

Author:  Sweet Greggo [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Ichabod wrote:
I have learned to appreciate the symmetry of life..... I discovered this morning that I had won $100 on a scratch off that I'd bought last week and stuck in my jacket...... This afternoon when I was backing out of the driveway to take Ich Jr back to school, I noticed that water was running out of the yard into the street: busted water main on a Sunday. $100 doesn't make a dent. :lol: You have to laugh!

That's a whole bunch of suck right there, Ich. Sorry bout yer bad luck. :/

Author:  cap [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

[quote="Ichabod". :lol: You have to laugh![/quote]
I am.

Author:  Ichabod [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Watching news coverage of the Republican CPAC conference is starting to grow tiresome. Okay kids. You all disagree with Obama's policies and his ilk. So, what are you proposing? What's the plan. Being anti-Obama might gain you a few seats, but what are you going to do different? If you can't answer that fuck off!

New year's resolution continues.... I'm now down 27 pounds in at the end of 7 weeks! This is in spite of sinus infections and bronchitis. The difference has been in the eating program. If it's not a one ingredient food, I haven't eaten it. Lots of chicken breasts, Tilapia, Cod, green vegetables, brown beans (Thanks Crock Pot) and fruits. I have 14 more pounds to lose and then I'm starting a bulking phase. We'll see if this old man can still build some muscle. I'm wanting to be a DILF by the pool come June :fist: 50 is just around the corner :dep:

Tiger's press conference was much ado about nothing. If Elan can forgive him she should be put up for sainthood. It's not like she MUST stay with Tiger for the sake of the children. Hell, a first year law student could represent her in divorce court and get her a kazillion dollars.

Author:  Ichabod [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

The quest to be the cover model for AARP Magazime continues.... I'm down 2 pounds this week for a total of 29! :fist: I have actually renewed relationships with pants I haven't spoken to in a couple of years. :)

I spoke with meh sainted mother this morning. My parents and her best friend from high school along with her husband are leaving on a cruise in the morning. Assuming they don't get swept over by a Tsunami wave like The Poseidon, I'm sure they are going to have a great time... The cool part is the husband of my mother's best friend is a music producer named Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy has worked with many legends in music, but I want to meet him because of a little album he produced in 1977 called Street Survivors! COOL! COOL! COOL!

Author:  Sweet Greggo [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Ich: What, um, do you like this gig?
JJ: Yeah, I love my job...
Ich: That wasn't the question. Do you like your job?

Author:  rowdyhatinwalt [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings



Author:  or somesuch [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Someone got tagged in an album.

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Looks like an extra from a 70s drive-in biker flick.

Author:  rowdyhatinwalt [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ichabod's Dementia-like Ramblings

Tit Whistle wrote:
Looks like an extra from a 70s drive-in biker flick.

that has "Big Momma" in the title.

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