
Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners
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Author:  Stu [ Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Tit Whistle wrote:
Stu wrote:
It won multiple oscars. Only could have been better if Barry Fitzgerald played one of the dogs.

Babe was the sentimental favorite. Kids movies don't get much better. But I can't imagine what people would be saying if they gave their top award to a talking pig movie.

They gave it to Crash. They can give it to pigs.

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Stu wrote:
Tit Whistle wrote:
Stu wrote:
It won multiple oscars. Only could have been better if Barry Fitzgerald played one of the dogs.

Babe was the sentimental favorite. Kids movies don't get much better. But I can't imagine what people would be saying if they gave their top award to a talking pig movie.

They gave it to Crash. They can give it to pigs.

Good point.

Author:  or somesuch [ Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Stu wrote:
I actually think Babe was the best of the bunch.


Author:  Tit Whistle [ Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

The English Patient - When people say they don't like this movie, they usually mention Seinfeld, which is fucking stupid. If you have a problem with a movie, please explain why without resorting to quotes from fictional characters. Anyone posting a link to YouTube of that particular Seinfeld episode with "This is how I feel" in the hypertext is gay. It's been done a million times before. It's not clever, so stop it. Besides, this is a difficult, complex movie and it deserves more than a casual dismissal via sitcom reference. I loved this movie first time I saw it. I thought it was great. It's lost a bit of luster since then. I found myself checking the clock a few times throughout. And that's always been the primary complaint about it: It's too boring. It's a fair criticism, but I've sat through a lot worse here. If this is too slow for you, trying sitting through Ben Hur sometime. But back on topic, I always liked this movie and still do. It's got romance, mystery, intrigue, asplosions, and bodily mutilations. It's also got boobs. I'm happy to report this is the second movie in a row to feature boobs. Kristen Scott Thomas shows hers a couple times (along with bush, but no lippage.) Juliette Binoche shows only one of hers, but that's plenty since I could spank to her even if she wore a snowsuit. So really, this movie has lots going for it, and I don't understand the hate. Unless people are just generally opposed to lots of sand in movies. If so, I kinda understand. I understand if you think it's a movie you don't want to watch on a rainy afternoon, but it's worth revisiting every so often.

Did it deserve to win?: Fargo was the best movie of the year, and one I can watch anytime. Trainspotting is a great, disturbing look at addiction. Beyond those, The English Patient is probably the best of the year.

:sock: :sock: :sock: :sock: :sock: (out of 5)

Up next: Titanic

Author:  fruitdog [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

or somesuch wrote:
Stu wrote:
I actually think Babe was the best of the bunch.



Author:  Stu [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners


Author:  or somesuch [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Come on stu, don't be that guy.

Author:  Stu [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Babe is a great movie. I would have been ok with Apollo 13 winning too.

Author:  Sweet Greggo [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

I'm a big fan of Toy Story but at 72 or so minutes it's barely a movie. Babe was okay but best movie? I'd rather give it to Matilda.

Author:  or somesuch [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Stu wrote:
Babe is a great movie. I would have been ok with Apollo 13 winning too.

It's cool to hate on Braveheart.

Author:  Stu [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Braveheart is good too. The dead chick had some great knockers. And gleason was a great sidekick.

Author:  fruitdog [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Stu wrote:
I would have been ok with Apollo 13 winning too.

Don't you know that all the cool kids hate on Ron Howard? I'm not sure how they reconcile his involvement with Arrested Development though.

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

I never understood the love for Apollo 13. It's decent movie but nothing great.

Author:  Stu [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

This is some good movie discussion.

Author:  or somesuch [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Never seen English Patient. It's buried in my queue somewhere.

Author:  Sweet Greggo [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

or somesuch wrote:
Never seen English Patient. It's buried in my queue somewhere.

same here except for the queue part. I doubt that I'll ever watch it.

Author:  Diello [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Babe = one of the best family movies ever. Even its sequel is great.

Braveheart = wasn't a huge fan when I first saw it (mainly because I didn't know it was three hours going in). Still think it is slightly overrated but I will stop down for it from time to time. Like sweet Tit said, it's the supporting characters that make it.

Apollo 13 = Ron Howard is second only to Zemekis in overratedness. Its a good movie but not great.

My gayness is showing but I thought Sense & Sensilbility was the best movie that year.

I am going to revisit the English Patient at some point soon. I saw it in the theater only. I remember thinking there was a lot of stuff going on but the plot led nowhere.

1996 I felt both Shine could've won. I was more partial to Slingblade which I will still argue is a great film. But this might be along the lines of Seven or the Usual Suspects the previous year. Great movies but not what you'd call Oscar movies.

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Sweet Greggo wrote:
or somesuch wrote:
Never seen English Patient. It's buried in my queue somewhere.

same here except for the queue part. I doubt that I'll ever watch it.

Geez, and everyone calls ME a snob. :rolleyes:

Author:  Stu [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Tit Whistle wrote:
Sweet Greggo wrote:
or somesuch wrote:
Never seen English Patient. It's buried in my queue somewhere.

same here except for the queue part. I doubt that I'll ever watch it.

Geez, and everyone calls ME a snob. :rolleyes:


Author:  Tit Whistle [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Stu wrote:
Tit Whistle wrote:
Sweet Greggo wrote:
or somesuch wrote:
Never seen English Patient. It's buried in my queue somewhere.

same here except for the queue part. I doubt that I'll ever watch it.

Geez, and everyone calls ME a snob. :rolleyes:



Author:  Stu [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Tit Whistle wrote:
Stu wrote:
Tit Whistle wrote:
Sweet Greggo wrote:
or somesuch wrote:
Never seen English Patient. It's buried in my queue somewhere.

same here except for the queue part. I doubt that I'll ever watch it.

Geez, and everyone calls ME a snob. :rolleyes:



I'll think about it.

Author:  or somesuch [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

That's fair.

Author:  Sweet Greggo [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Tit Whistle wrote:
Sweet Greggo wrote:
or somesuch wrote:
Never seen English Patient. It's buried in my queue somewhere.

same here except for the queue part. I doubt that I'll ever watch it.

Geez, and everyone calls ME a snob. :rolleyes:

From what I remember of the trailer it looked like a long drawn out date movie, like Pearl Harbor or Titanic, neither of which I liked (except for the action scenes).

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Sweet Greggo wrote:
Tit Whistle wrote:
Sweet Greggo wrote:
or somesuch wrote:
Never seen English Patient. It's buried in my queue somewhere.

same here except for the queue part. I doubt that I'll ever watch it.

Geez, and everyone calls ME a snob. :rolleyes:

From what I remember of the trailer it looked like a long drawn out date movie, like Pearl Harbor or Titanic, neither of which I liked (except for the action scenes).

It doesn't have as much action, but the script at least is smarter than those other two.

Author:  Stu [ Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Tit Whistle wrote:
Going My Way - From now on, 1944 is going to be known as the Year of the Dumbass. They're dumbasses because they thought this pointless movie deserved not only the highest attendance in the theaters that year, but also 7 fucking Oscars! Seven is an impressive haul in any year, but back then it was huge. Bing Crosby won Best Actor. Let me tell you, he had a great singing voice, but acting-wise he was bland as a fucking rice cake. He's Father O'Malley, the new priest at St. Dominic's, a poor church in the shittiest shithole section of NYC. There's no problem he can't fix with a tune. Are you a small town girl who wants to be a big-time singer in the city? Sing like Father O'Malley. Hey look! Your shit's fixed! Are you one of two dozen street kids with no future? Join the choir and sing like Father O'Malley. Hey look! Your shit's fixed! Church behind on mortgage payments? Father O'Malley will write a song and use the proceeds to pay it off. Hey look! Your shit's fixed! Thanks, Father O'Malley! Thanks for slightly nudging us in the right direction with a breezy tune, you great underhanded motivator. Oh, and thanks for not hammering us over the head with that Bible shit. I notice you don't carry one, or ever quote one, for that matter. And when troubles arise, why bother us with a parable or an uplifting verse when a quick pop tune will do? Ya know, if it weren't for the collar, I'd probably think you're a shoe salesman. You're the most secular priest ever, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

But let's get back to the Year of the Dumbass thing. Barry Fitzgerald plays the antiquated Father Fitzgibbon. He was nominated for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. I'll repeat that: He was nominated for Best Actor AND Best Supporting Actor...FOR THE SAME FUCKING ROLE! It seems by 1944, all the smart people had died in the war. Or maybe they didn't care. I'm leaning toward the latter since it's the only thing that makes sense about the heap of praise this movie received. He won Supporting Actor, btw. He didn't deserve it. As an old Irish priest who doesn't understand the young people of 1944 (really, who did?), I couldn't comprehend a single word that came out of his mouth. All I ever heard was "grumblegrumblecrotchetyballscratch". Learn to carry a tune, old man. He's also about 109 in this movie. It closes with him reuniting with his mother. She's 148. Would've brought a tear to my eye if it weren't so damned ridiculous. Father O'Malley seemed to agree as he slipped out quietly once the mother and child reunion was only a motion away. His work here is finished and he's headed to another town. It's Christmas Eve, it's snowing, and 1944 is almost over. Good fucking riddance. Dumbasses.

Did it deserve to win?: Did you ever read the fucking review? The answer is no. N-N-N-N-N-NOOOOOO. Here's some lyrics I wrote to the tune of "Swinging on a Star": No-no-no no no no-no-no/No-no-no no no no-no-no. Catchy, isn't it?

:fu: (out of 5)

On now on TCM.

Author:  or somesuch [ Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Are you recommending it?

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Titanic - Hi, I'm Tit Whistle, and I'm here to defend Titanic. This movie gets a bad rap for being too shallow, too popular, and too icky-girlish. I agree that the story is rather pedestrian, but it works well enough to get you to the ship's sinking, when it takes off and becomes a masterwork of escalating tension and action. Early on, the dialog is really awkward and even Kate Winslet can't do shit with it. It's not a deal breaker, however. Yes, these are conventional characters in a standard setting of class differences, but things improve steadily and you get past it to the point that you have heroes to root for and villains to hate. It may be reinventing the wheel, but it works, and all we need is for it to work so the climactic scenes actually have some emotional gravity. If you disagree, try watching something like Pearl Harbor, which tried to do the same thing but failed since the characters were such yutzes. So the story is good enough, but the real attraction is the sinking of the ship, which as I said before is masterful. I'm still amazed how Cameron builds the gradually builds tension from the moment the ship hits the iceberg until it finally completely sinks into the ocean. This is about 90 minutes of film in which the passengers move from casually inconvenienced to concerned to worried to fucking panicked. Never does it feel like it is rushing to show you something really cool. It makes you feel like you're on the boat and your fear is gradually increasing along with the doomed passengers. I've seen this movie plenty of times and the ship sinking still gets me all verklempt, and that's because the movie earns it. Also great is the scene afterward when they're clinging to each other among the driftwood. Again, the movie earns this moment by being good enough and getting us emotionally involved. We've been through a nightmare with these people that felt completely real. Now they're saying goodbye and we can take a moment to catch our breath, but we don't because we're still right there with them freezing in the water and hoping they turn out okay. So yeah, it's got clumsy dialog and standard cliches, but it overcomes those problems with great direction and pacing. For once, the screaming teenage girls were right.

Twist: I watched a recorded version of this on ABC Family. It wasn't edited much but it did eliminate sweet Kate's boobies and a couple of swear words. Worst is I had to fast forward through commercials. This was a 4 1/2 hour recording of a 3 hour 15 minute movie, so that's a lot of commercials. It also takes away some of the impact of the movie, like when the ship finally goes under and there's the wide shot of the hundreds of flailing and screaming soon-to-be-deads, someone had the dick idea that that's a good time for an ad for Mars Needs Moms. Kinda takes you out of the moment. I would like to thank Diello for offering me his DVD copy on loan. I would've preferred an uncut version, but I needed to get this one out of the way. Props to you anyway, bro.

Did it deserve to win?: L.A. Confidential was the best movie of the year. It had no flaws, while Titanic had some. Boogie Nights is a close second, and there are others which I think were better than Titanic, but I at least think Titanic is an acceptable winner since it's rewatchable and showed us so much we hadn't seen before.

:diello: :diello: :diello: :diello: (out of 5)

Up next: Shakespeare in Love

Author:  Stu [ Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Sorry you didn't get to see Kate's boobies.

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

I looked them up on Mr. Skin. That's why the review took longer than usual.

Author:  Sweet Greggo [ Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

I vote yay for the sinking but the story itself is really tough for me to watch. Kate's pancake boobs don't help. In fact, they're down right out of place in the movie, almost forced.

The story seemed too weak to win best pic but they sure weren't going to give it to a movie that showed a 12 dong in it. I didn't see LA Confidential.

Author:  or somesuch [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

4 stars for Titanic? I almost feel like we've just wasted the last 16 pages.

Author:  or somesuch [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Sweet Greggo wrote:
a 12 dong

13 :oops:

Author:  bigboy [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

As great as the effects are while the ship is sinking, the wide shots of the ship at the beginning of the movie look straight out of a cartoon. I've always thought Titanic is pretty rewatchable, but LA Confidential was robbed.

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

or somesuch wrote:
4 stars for Titanic? I almost feel like we've just wasted the last 16 pages.

Whoa now, it's not like I wrote an apology for Crash. It's a 3 star story and a 5 star ship sinking.

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

bigboy wrote:
As great as the effects are while the ship is sinking, the wide shots of the ship at the beginning of the movie look straight out of a cartoon. I've always thought Titanic is pretty rewatchable, but LA Confidential was robbed.

It looked like a cartoon in 97 but we looked past it. It really looks bad now, but even the first Toy Story doesn't look so great now.

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Sweet Greggo wrote:
I didn't see LA Confidential.

You need to. Put it at the top of your Netflix queue immediately.

Author:  or somesuch [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Tit Whistle wrote:
Whoa now, it's not like I wrote an apology for Crash. It's a 3 star story and a 5 star ship sinking.

We'll see. For now, I'm skeptical.

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

I'm sorry I disappointed you, somey.

Author:  Trained Goucho [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

His heart will go on.

Author:  Tit Whistle [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners


Author:  fruitdog [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Whoa whoa whoa, the ship sinks?? How bout a spoiler alert there buddy? :mad:

Author:  Sweet Greggo [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tit Whistle watches all the Best Picture winners

Tit Whistle wrote:
Sweet Greggo wrote:
I didn't see LA Confidential.

You need to. Put it at the top of your Netflix queue immediately.

aye aye, capn :txpatriot:

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